Benefits of Hackathon

Saksham Gurbhele
2 min readJun 5, 2021

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect, but by the play instinct arising from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the object it loves.” — Carl Jung

What is Hackathon?

Hackathon is an event in which student developers or working professionals or anyone for example a guy from the mechanical dept. come together and form a team and work on an issue/topic of that hackathon collaboratively in bounded time.

Now coming to the niche of this blog Benefits of Hackathon

  1. Innovation

In a hackathon many innovations take place, hackathon gives you a playground to play with technology with your team, imagine without a hackathon you can build a project or something but it would not be diversified, on other in hackathon the same idea would have more diversified because of the team.
Example: Google Lens.

2. Networking

SO in hackathons, you can network a lot, you can increase your friend circle, you meet new people, In hackathons, there is a coffee break with your team so you can network there, and there is also a meet for the different teams so they come and network.
many just attend hackathons for building a network.

3. Peer learning

In hackathons, Everyone is in the mood of learning and teaching, for example in your team 1 guy knows the frontend one knows the backend and you know the cloud so you all can teach and learn from each other. it is not limited to your team only you can go and learn from anyone. no barrier at all.

4. Recruitment

So, the judge of Hackathons are mostly recruiters, so If you win or if you don’t but your idea is good enough and aligns with the recruiter’s company so, you will be in the eye of the recruiter, then if any opening happens in his company so he/she/they will directly reach out to you.

Thank You for Reading.
This was my first blog, hope you enjoyed.

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